Thursday, September 13, 2007

12 Sept- Motivating P6 Pupils in Art Lessons

As the P6 pupils will be taking their PSLE soon, stress level could be rather high for them. Hence, during the Art lessons on 12 Sept, I decided to get my pupils to do a motivation card for themselves to boost their morale. The art lessons were conducted in the school canteen. Pupils created "footprints" by using their clenched fists. Next, I wrote down some examples of motivational quotes on the whiteboard for them. Each pupil had to write down a motivational quote for themselves. To make this Art lessons more interesting, I told them to write well-wishing messages for one another. Hence, pupils are able to motivate each other. In this way, I am sure that their level of confidence and motivation would be greatly increased. :) Good luck to our P6 pupils in your PSLE examinations!

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