Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Group Activity for 3-Caring Supplementary Class

On 30 July Science Supplementary lessons, 3-Caring had a fun group activity to recap on the theme - Cycle. Pupils were grouped into small groups and each group was assigned a group letter. I used the visualiser and showed them MCQs from an assessment book. Pupils had to write their answers on their whiteboards. Upon hearing the chime from my ding-bell, they flashed their answers. The 2 groups with the highest score won themselves a packet of yummy candy each.

Sharing of Social Studies Project with Classmates

On 20 July 2007, I had returned my P6 pupils their Social Studies Project. They had researched on a Southeast Asia country (based on their own choice) and made a comparison in similarity and difference in the aspect of culture with Singapore. A marking rubric is attached to each project outlining the scores. Through this SS, project, my pupils have developed a greater understanding towards our neighbouring countries.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Integration of Art/ Craft with English 25 July 2007

This is another integration of Art/Craft with English. In the previous Art lessons, my 6-Respect pupils had already created a picture story using pictures from newspapers and magazines. They had written a narrative based on their picture story. Today, my pupils wrote a composition about their best friend. They have to describe how their friends look like, how old are they, their hobbies and dislikes, and a thing they admire about their friends. I am glad that my pupils enjoyed the Art lessons a lot. :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Story Mapping with 4 - Respect

Today, 25 July 2007, 4-Respect pupils did a picture composition on the title "A Fire" during the English lessons.
I had used the Pyramid approach before in helping them plan a composition. Today, I had used a different approach in writing a picture composition. The story mapping approach is very simple yet organised. It allows pupils to fill in relevant information into the respective categories, such as Main characters, supporting characters, setting, problem and solution. I had added in another category called Coda (for pupils to add in their reflections or the valuable lesson learned).

I am very glad that my PRC pupils find this strategy very useful for them. I am sure with more practices in the use of story-mapping, they would improve.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome to Our Happy Learning Blog

Welcome to Our Happy Learning Blog.

Hi, I am Mr Terrance Ang. I am a teacher in Peixin Primary School. In our blog, you can see some of the engaging learning activities we have during our lessons. If you have any feedback or enquiry, please feel free to drop me an email at mr_terrance_ang@yahoo.com.sg Thank you :)